How To Make a Career Out Of Art

How To Make a Career Out Of Art

How to make a career out of art? If you are a visual artist, you might be wondering how…

Planning and Running an Art Workshop

Planning and Running an Art Workshop

If you are an artist who wants to share your skills and passion with others, running an art workshop…

Best Ways of Using Pinterest to Sell Your Art

Best Ways of Using Pinterest to Sell Your Art

Pinterest is a popular social media platform that allows users to create and share visual content, such as photos,…

20 Reasons to Work with Other Artists

20 Reasons to Work with Other Artists

If you are a visual artist, you might be wondering reasons to work with other artists there could be and why you should collaborate with other artists in your field. After all, you have your own style, vision and goals, and you don’t want to compromise them for the sake of working with someone else.…

Successful Facebook Marketing for Artists

Successful Facebook Marketing for Artists

If you are an artist who wants to reach more people and sell your work online, Facebook marketing for artists can be a powerful tool for you.

Finding the Right Niche as an Artist

Finding the Right Niche as an Artist

Finding your niche as an artist and marketing it can be challenging, but also rewarding. A niche is a specific category or style of art that you focus on, but also a shared interest or passion between you and your target audience.

How to Market your art by creating A Marketing Strategy

How to Market your art by creating A Marketing Strategy

Marketing is a crucial aspect of any business, including for visual artists. To get you started we have put together an artist’s marketing strategy that can help you promote you and your work and help you reach a wider audience.

Where to Sell Your Art

Where to Sell Your Art

If you are an artist who wants to make money from your creative work, you might be wondering how and where to sell your art. There are many options available for artists who want to reach potential buyers and showcase their talent. In this blog post, we will explore some of the most popular and…


20 Ideas to Energise Your Next Social Media Post

Are you an artist looking for some inspiration for your next social media post? Whether you want to showcase your work, share some tips, or connect with your audience, here are 20 ideas that you can use for your social media posting.

10 Myths About Marketing as an Artist

10 Myths About Marketing as an Artist

Marketing is often seen as a dirty word by many artists who want to focus on their creative work and not worry about selling it. However, marketing is not only essential for reaching potential customers and fans, but also for building a sustainable and fulfilling career as an artist.

10 Ways to Build Your Brand as an Artist

10 Ways to Build Your Brand as an Artist

As an artist, you have a unique vision and style that sets you apart from others. But how do you communicate that to your audience and potential clients? How do you make yourself stand out in a crowded market? How do you build a loyal fan base and attract new opportunities? The answer is: by…

The Importance of Building an Email List

The Importance of Building an Email List

As an artist, you might think that your main goal is to create and share your work with the world not building an email list. But how do you reach your audience and keep them engaged? How do you turn your fans into loyal customers and supporters? One of the most effective ways to do…


Crowdfunding for Visual Artists

Crowdfunding is a way of raising money for a specific project or event by asking for small donations from many people, usually online. Crowdfunding can be a great option for visual artists who want to fund their creative work, reach new audiences, and build a community of supporters.


Uploading Photos for Instagram: Best Practices

If you want to grow your Instagram account and reach more people, you need to upload high-quality photos for Instagram that stand out from the crowd. But how do you do that? Here are some best practices for uploading photos for Instagram that will help you create engaging and attractive content.


Which is Better for Selling art Instagram or Facebook

If you are an artist who wants to sell your work online, you might be wondering which platform is better for you: Instagram or Facebook.

Which is More Effective – Organic or Paid Social Media

Which is More Effective – Organic or Paid Social Media

As an artist, you might be wondering what is more effective for promoting your work: organic or paid social media. In this blog post, we will explore the pros and cons of each option and how to integrate them into a hybrid strategy that works for you.

5 Steps to Develop a Successful Brand as an Artist

5 Steps to Develop a Successful Brand as an Artist

As an artist, you have a unique voice and vision that sets you apart from others, your brand. But how do you communicate that to your audience and potential clients? How do you build a reputation and a loyal fan base? How do you create a brand that reflects who you are and what you…

Best Ways for Selling Your Art

Best Ways for Selling Your Art

If you are an artist who wants to turn your passion into a profitable venture and selling your art, you need to think about your art as a business. We are not talking about a full-time all-consuming business but about adopting the attitude that is required to start and run a successful business.

The Pros and Cons of an Artist-Run Gallery

The Pros and Cons of an Artist-Run Gallery

If you are an artist, or collective, who wants to exhibit your work and collaborate with other artists, you might have considered starting or joining an artist-run gallery. An artist-run gallery is a gallery facility operated by creators, thus circumventing the structures of public and private galleries.


Print-on-Demand, Benefits for Artists

If you are an artist who wants to sell your work online, you might have considered using print-on-demand services. Print-on-demand (POD) is a method of producing and shipping products only when they are ordered by customers. This way, you don’t have to worry about inventory, storage, packaging, or shipping costs.


Creating a Successful Call to Action (CTA) on Your Website

What is a call to action (CTA)? If you are an artist who wants to showcase your work online, you might be wondering how to get more visitors to your website and turn them into loyal fans. One of the most effective ways to do that is by adding a call to action (CTA) to…

Artists Website: 8 Things An Artists Websites Should Include

Artists Website: 8 Things An Artists Websites Should Include

If you are an artist, artists websites are essential to showcase all artists work and connect with potential clients. But what should artists websites include to make it effective and professional?


How Important is it for an Artist to Write blog posts

If you are an artist who wants to reach a wider audience and showcase your work, you might want to consider starting a blog. A blog is a website where you can post regular updates about your projects, inspirations, thoughts, and anything else related to your art.

Art Manifesto

Art Manifesto

What is an art manifesto? It is a declaration of principles and intentions by an artist or a group of artists, often written to challenge, provoke, or inspire others. An art manifesto can also be a critique of the status quo, a call for change, or a vision for the future.


Amity Art – Art Collective

Amity Art was a fictitious art collective that starts from its inception through to organising group exhibitions as a collective. As well as a collective being a platform for acquiring exhibition spaces, there are other reasons for forming a collective.

Pop-Up Gallery

Pop-Up Gallery

If you are an artist, a curator, or an organisation looking for a way to showcase your work in a new and exciting way, you might want to consider opening a pop-up gallery. A pop-up gallery is a temporary exhibition that runs for a day to a month or more, often held in a nontraditional…

Organising a Solo or Group Art Exhibition

Organising a Solo or Group Art Exhibition

If you are an artist who wants to showcase your work to the public, you might consider organising an art exhibition as opposed to taking part in an art trail or open house.


Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) – What Is It and Do I Need It?

Search engine optimisation (SEO) is the process of improving the visibility and relevance of a website or a web page in the results of a search engine. SEO involves various techniques and strategies, such as using keywords, creating high-quality content, building links, and optimising the site’s structure and speed.

How do Art Trails Provide Opportunities for Artists?

How do Art Trails Provide Opportunities for Artists?

Art trails are events where artists open their studios or display their work in public spaces for visitors to explore and enjoy. They are usually organised by local groups or associations, and often take place over a few weekends or a few days. Art trails can be a great opportunity for artists to showcase their…


Joining Local Art Groups

If you are an artist or aspire to be one, you might have wondered whether joining a local art group is worth your time and effort. After all, art is often seen as a solitary pursuit, and you might prefer to work on your own projects rather than participate in group activities. However, there are…


5 Main Reasons Why an Artist Needs a Website

As an artist, you might wonder why an artist needs a website. After all, there are so many social media platforms and online galleries that you can use to share your art and get feedback. Why bother with the hassle of creating and maintaining a website?


Using Email Marketing to Help Sell Your Art

If you are an artist who wants to reach more potential buyers and collectors, email marketing can be a powerful tool for you. Email marketing is the process of sending targeted and personalised messages to people who have expressed interest in your work or subscribed to your mailing list.

Promoting Your Art Using Social Media

Promoting Your Art Using Social Media

If you are an artist who wants to reach a wider audience and sell your work online, you might be wondering why you should use social media platforms for your marketing strategy. Social media has become a powerful tool for artists to showcase their work, connect with fans, network with other artists, and grow their…


Sell Your Art with an Instagram Creator Account

If you are an artist who wants to grow your online presence, you might want to consider setting up an Instagram Creator Account and linking it to your website. In this blog post, I will show you how to do that in a few simple steps.

How to Start an Artist Collective

How to Start an Artist Collective

If you are an artist who wants to collaborate with other artists, share resources and ideas, and create a supportive community, you might be interested in starting an artist collective. An artist collective is a group of artists who work together on projects, exhibitions, events, and other activities that promote their artistic vision and values.

The Upside and Downside of Joining an Artist’s Collective

The Upside and Downside of Joining an Artist’s Collective

If you are an artist who wants to grow your audience, network with other creatives, and access more opportunities, you might be interested in joining an artist’s collective. An artist’s collective is a group of artists who work together to promote their work, share resources, and collaborate on projects.


The Importance of Good Images

Product photos of your artwork are critical to the purchase decision. In fact, according to Etsy, it’s their most key factor in deciding to buy, even more important than the postage cost, customer reviews, or even the price of the item itself.


Social Media Versus a Website for Selling Art

If you are an artist looking to sell your work online, you might be wondering whether you should use social media platforms or create your own website. Both options have their advantages and disadvantages, and the best choice depends on your goals, budget, and preferences.

Why You Need to be Creative with an Email Newsletter

Why You Need to be Creative with an Email Newsletter

One of the most effective ways to grow your art practice is to have a subscribe to an email newsletter option on your website. A newsletter is a regular email that you send to your subscribers, who are people who have signed up to receive updates from you.


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