Social Media Versus a Website for Selling Art

The Pros and Cons

If you are an artist looking to sell your work online, you might be wondering whether you should use social media platforms or create your own website. Both options have their advantages and disadvantages, and the best choice depends on your goals, budget, and preferences. In this blog post, we will compare the pros and cons of social media versus a website for selling art.

Pros of social media:

  • Social media platforms have a large and active user base, which means you can reach a wider audience and potential customers.
  • Social media platforms allow you to interact with your followers, build relationships, and get feedback on your work.
  • Social media platforms are free or low-cost to use, and you don’t need any technical skills to set up your profile and post your work.
  • Social media platforms can help you increase your exposure and visibility, as your work can be shared by other users or featured by the platform.

Cons of social media:

  • Social media platforms have limited customisation options, which means you have less control over how your work is displayed and branded.
  • Social media platforms have strict rules and policies, which means you have to comply with their terms of service and content guidelines. You also risk losing your account or content if the platform changes its rules or shuts down.
  • Social media platforms have a lot of competition and noise, which means you have to stand out from the crowd and constantly post new and engaging content to attract and retain your followers.
  • Social media platforms do not guarantee sales or conversions, as most users are not there to buy art. You also have to deal with payment processing and shipping yourself.

Pros of a Website:

  • A website gives you full control and ownership over your online presence, as you can customise every aspect of your site and brand.
  • A website allows you to showcase your work in a professional and organised way, as you can create galleries, portfolios, and categories for your art.
  • A website can help you establish your credibility and authority as an artist, as you can display your bio, awards, testimonials, and press coverage.
  • A website can help you generate more income and conversions, as you can sell your work directly from your site using e-commerce tools and plugins. You can also monetise your site with ads or donations.

Cons of a Website:

  • A website requires more time, money, and skills to create and maintain, as you have to pay for hosting, domain name, design, and security. You also have to update your site regularly and fix any issues that arise.
  • A website requires more effort and strategy to drive traffic and visitors, as you have to optimise your site for search engines, use keywords, and promote your site on other channels.
  • A website requires more trust and confidence from your customers, as they have to enter their personal and payment information on your site. You also have to provide customer service and support.
  • A website can be affected by external factors such as hackers, malware, downtime, or technical glitches.


As you can see, both social media platforms and websites have their pros and cons for selling art online. The best option for you depends on what you want to achieve with your online presence, how much time and money you are willing to invest, and how comfortable you are with the different tools and platforms. You can also use both options together to maximise your benefits and minimise your drawbacks. For example, you can use social media platforms to drive traffic to your website or use your website to showcase your work in more detail than on social media.

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