Pop-Up Gallery

pop-up gallery

What are they and how to arrange a pop-up gallery?

If you are an artist, a curator, or an organisation looking for a way to showcase your work in a new and exciting way, you might want to consider opening a pop-up gallery. A pop-up gallery is a temporary exhibition that runs for a day to a month or more, often held in a nontraditional space like a storefront, an artist’s studio, or even a partly renovated shop. Pop-up galleries offer many benefits, such as:

  • Expanding your audience and network by reaching new markets and locations
  • Experimenting with different formats and themes that might not fit into a regular gallery space
  • Pop-up galleries can create a sense of urgency and exclusivity that attracts visitors and collectors
  • Saving money and time by avoiding long-term leases and staffing costs
  • Generating additional revenue and exposure for your work and therefore your opportunity to sell more of your art

But how do you plan and execute a successful pop-up gallery? Here are some steps to follow:

  1. Establish your goals. What do you want to achieve with your pop-up gallery? Do you want to test the waters for expansion into a new city or neighborhood? Do you want to tap into the global art calendar and create a physical space in an art epicenter? Do you want to showcase a specific artist or project that needs a special venue? Be clear about your expectations and measure your success accordingly.
  2. Find a suitable space. Depending on your budget, goals, and theme, you can look for different types of spaces for your pop-up gallery. Contact local estate agents to find available spaces in your desired location, ask to be contacted should location become available, or you can scout for vacant or underused properties in person. Make sure the space is accessible, safe, and suitable for displaying your work. You might also need to negotiate with the landlord, check the legal position, and arrange insurance.
  3. Curate your exhibition. Once you have secured your space, you can start planning your exhibition. Choose the artworks that best fit your theme and goals and consider how they will interact with the space and the audience. You might also want to collaborate with other artists or galleries to create a more diverse and engaging show. Think about how you will display, light, and label your work, and what materials and equipment you will need.
  4. Promote your pop-up gallery. A pop-up gallery is only as good as its visitors, so make sure you spread the word about your event. Use social media, email newsletters, press releases, flyers, and word-of-mouth to reach your target audience. You can also create a website or a landing page for your pop-up gallery, where you can share information, images, and updates. Don’t forget to invite your existing network of collectors, curators, critics, and friends.
  5. Host your pop-up gallery. On the day of your event, make sure everything is ready and in place. Have someone greet the visitors at the door, provide them with information and guidance, and collect their contact details. You might also want to offer refreshments, music, or entertainment to create a welcoming atmosphere. If you are selling your work, have a system for processing payments and issuing receipts. And most importantly, enjoy yourself and have fun!
  6. Follow up after your pop-up gallery. After your event is over, don’t just pack up and leave. Take some time to evaluate your results, thank everyone who helped you or attended your event, and share feedback and photos on social media. You might also want to send out surveys or ask for testimonials from your visitors to improve your future pop-ups. And don’t forget to keep in touch with potential buyers or collaborators who showed interest in your work.

Pop-up galleries are a great way to showcase your work in a new and exciting way, but they require careful planning and execution. By following these steps, you can create a memorable pop-up gallery that will boost your reputation and sales.

How to Set Up a Long-Term Pop-Up Gallery

Pop up galleries are a great way to showcase your work, attract new audiences, and generate buzz for your brand. But what if you want to extend your pop-up gallery beyond the usual short-term duration? How can you create a long-term pop-up gallery that is sustainable, profitable, and engaging? Do you want to share the space with other artists?

Here are some tips on how to set up a long-term pop-up gallery:

  1. Find the right location. You need a space that is accessible, affordable, and suitable for your art. Look for vacant storefronts, warehouses, or other unconventional venues that can accommodate your needs. You can also partner with local businesses, organisations, or institutions that are willing to host your pop-up gallery for a longer period of time.
  2. Negotiate the terms. Before you sign any contract, make sure you understand the terms and conditions of your agreement. How long can you use the space? How much rent do you have to pay? Who is responsible for utilities, insurance, security, and maintenance? What are the rules and regulations of the venue? How can you terminate the contract if needed? Be prepared though for the landlord to pull the plug should they get a long-term client wanting the property.
  3. Plan your budget. Running a long-term pop-up gallery requires more financial resources than a short term one. You have to factor in the costs of rent, utilities, insurance, marketing, staffing, transportation, installation, and maintenance. You also have to consider how you will generate income from your pop-up gallery. Will you charge admission fees, sell merchandise, or solicit donations? How will you manage your cash flow and expenses?
  4. Curate your content. You want to create a pop-up gallery that showcases your best work and reflects your artistic vision. You also want to keep your audience interested and engaged throughout the duration of your pop-up gallery. You can do this by curating your content carefully and strategically. You can rotate your artworks, feature new pieces, invite guest artists, organize events, or create interactive elements.
  5. Promote your pop-up gallery. You need to spread the word about your pop-up gallery and attract visitors. You can use various channels and methods to promote your pop up gallery, such as social media, flyers, posters, press releases, newsletters, blogs, podcasts, or word of mouth. You can also collaborate with other artists, influencers, media outlets, or community groups to increase your exposure and reach.

A long-term pop-up gallery can be a rewarding and fulfilling experience for both you and your audience. It can help you establish your reputation, expand your network, and grow your business. Be prepared though for the landlord to pull the plug. Hopefully by following these tips, you can set up a long-term pop-up gallery that is successful and sustainable.


Montague Gallery in Worthing originated as a pop-up gallery in Montague Place Worthing. It has now become more established in Portland Road Worthing and exhibits the works of over forty local artists.

Other Options

An alternative to a long-term pop-up gallery is to consider an alternative such as an artist-run gallery. Artist-run galleries though can be more costly and time consuming but equally satisfying in terms of selling your artwork.

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