Best Ways of Using Pinterest to Sell Your Art


Pinterest is a popular social media platform that allows users to create and share visual content, such as photos, videos, and infographics. It is also a powerful tool for artists who want to showcase their work and reach potential buyers. In this blog post, we will explore how you can use Pinterest to sell your art online.

Why Pinterest?

Pinterest has over 450 million monthly active users, who are mostly female, affluent, and interested in topics such as home decor, fashion, beauty, and DIY. These are ideal customers for many artists, especially those who create paintings, illustrations, prints, or crafts. Pinterest users are also more likely to buy products they see on the platform than on other social media sites. According to a study by Shopify, Pinterest referrals result in an average order value of $50, which is higher than any other major social network.

How to Set Up Your Pinterest Account

To start selling your art on Pinterest, you need to create a business account. This will give you access to features such as analytics, ads, and rich pins. Rich pins are enhanced pins that show extra information about your products, such as price, availability, and description. To enable rich pins, you need to have an e-commerce website where you sell your art and verify it with Pinterest.

Once you have a business account, you need to optimise your profile. Here are some tips:

  • Choose a username that reflects your brand name and is easy to remember.
  • Write a catchy bio that describes who you are and what you do. Include relevant keywords that your target audience might search for.
  • Add a profile picture that represents your brand identity. It could be your logo, a photo of yourself, or a sample of your work.
  • Create a custom cover image that showcases your best or latest pieces.
  • Link your other social media accounts and website to your profile.

How to Create and Organise Your Boards

Boards are collections of pins that you create based on a theme or category. They help you organise your content and attract followers who are interested in your niche. To create and organise your boards, follow these steps:

  • Brainstorm ideas for board names that relate to your art style, genre, medium, or inspiration. For example, if you paint landscapes, you could have boards named “Mountain Paintings”, “Beach Paintings”, “Forest Paintings”, etc.
  • Create at least 10 boards that cover different aspects of your art business. You can also create boards for topics that are relevant to your audience, such as art tips, tutorials, resources, or quotes.
  • Add descriptions to your boards that include keywords and hashtags that describe the content. This will help your boards rank higher in search results and attract more viewers.
  • Pin at least 20 pins to each board that showcase your work or provide value to your followers. You can pin your own products from your website or other platforms where you sell your art, such as Etsy or Society6. You can also pin content from other sources that complement your brand image and style, such as blogs, magazines, or influencers.
  • Arrange your boards in a logical order that highlights your best or most important ones. You can drag and drop your boards to rearrange them on your profile page.

How to Promote Your Art on Pinterest

Creating and organising your boards is only the first step to selling your art on Pinterest. You also need to promote your pins and drive traffic to your website or online store. Here are some strategies to boost your visibility and engagement on Pinterest:

  • Pin consistently and frequently. The more you pin, the more exposure you get. Aim for at least 5 pins per day, preferably at different times of the day when your audience is most active.
  • Use high-quality images that capture attention and showcase your work in the best light. Use bright colors, clear details, and appealing backgrounds. Avoid blurry, dark, or cluttered photos.
  • Write compelling captions that entice viewers to click on your pins and learn more about your products. Include keywords and hashtags that relate to your niche and audience. Use a call-to-action that invites viewers to visit your website or shop.
  • Use Pinterest SEO (search engine optimisation) techniques to optimise your pins for search results. This includes using relevant keywords in your captions, descriptions, board names, and profile bio. You can also use tools such as Google Keyword Planner or Pinterest Trends to find popular keywords in your niche.
  • Engage with other users who share similar interests or styles as you. Follow, comment, like, and repin their content. This will help you build relationships and grow your network on Pinterest.
  • Experiment with different types of pins, such as video pins, story pins, or carousel pins. These are interactive formats that allow you to showcase more aspects of your work or tell a story behind it.
  • Use Pinterest analytics to track and measure the performance of your pins and boards. You can see metrics such as impressions, clicks, saves, and sales. You can also see which pins and boards are generating the most traffic and conversions. Use this data to improve your strategy and optimize your results.


Pinterest is a great platform for artists who want to sell their art online. It allows you to showcase your work, reach a large and engaged audience, and drive traffic to your website or online store. By following the tips and strategies in this blog post, you can create and optimise your Pinterest account, create and organise your boards, and promote your art on Pinterest. Happy pinning!

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