Creating a Successful Call to Action (CTA) on Your Website

What is a call to action (CTA)? If you are an artist who wants to showcase your work online, you might be wondering how to get more visitors to your website and turn them into loyal fans. One of the most effective ways to do that is by adding a call to action (CTA) to your website.

A call to action (CTA) is a text prompt that encourages your website visitors to take a specific action, such as signing up for your newsletter, following you on social media, buying your art, or contacting you for a commission. A CTA can be a button, a link, or a banner that stands out from the rest of your website content and guides your visitors to the next step.

Why do you need a call to action on your art website?

A CTA is important for your art website because it helps you achieve your goals and connect with your audience. Here are some of the benefits of having a CTA on your art website:

  • It increases your conversion rate. A conversion is when a visitor performs the action that you want them to do, such as subscribing to your email list or purchasing your art. A call to action makes it clear what you want your visitors to do and motivates them to do it.
  • It improves your user experience. A CTA helps your visitors navigate your website and find what they are looking for. It also shows that you care about their needs and interests and that you have something valuable to offer them.
  • It builds trust and credibility. A CTA demonstrates that you are confident in your art and that you have a clear purpose for your website. It also shows that you are professional and reliable and that you respect your visitors’ time and attention.
  • It grows your fan base. A CTA can help you attract more followers, subscribers, and customers who are interested in your art and who want to support you. It can also help you create a community of loyal fans who will spread the word about your art and refer others to your website.

How to create a call to action for your art website

There are many types of CTAs that you can use on your art website, depending on your goals and audience. Here are some tips on how to create a CTA that works for you:

  • Use strong action words. Your CTA should be clear, concise, and compelling. Use verbs that convey urgency and excitement, such as “Buy now”, “Join today”, “Learn more”, or “Discover”. Avoid vague or passive words, such as “Click here” or “Submit”.
  • Evoke an emotional response. Your CTA should appeal to your visitors’ emotions and aspirations. Use words that trigger curiosity, joy, fear, or desire, such as “Don’t miss this opportunity”, “Create your dream art collection”, “See what others are saying”, or “Get inspired”.
  • Include no-obligation statements. Your call to action should reduce any friction or hesitation that your visitors might have before taking action. Use phrases that reassure them that they have nothing to lose or that they can change their mind later, such as “No credit card required”, “Cancel anytime”, or “100% satisfaction guaranteed”.
  • Provide a sense of urgency. Your CTA should create a sense of scarcity or exclusivity that motivates your visitors to act fast. Use words that indicate limited time or availability, such as “Only for today”, “Last chance”, “While supplies last”, or “Exclusive offer”.
  • Make it stand out. Your CTA should be visible and attractive on your website. Use colors, fonts, shapes, and sizes that contrast with the rest of your website design and draw attention to your CTA. Make sure that your CTA is easy to read and click on any device.

Examples of call to actions for art websites

Here are some examples of CTAs that you can use on different pages of your art website:

On your homepage: This is where you want to capture your visitors’ attention and interest and direct them to other pages of your website. You can use a call to action that showcases your latest or best-selling art, invites them to browse your portfolio, or encourages them to sign up for updates via your newsletter.

  • Examples:
    • “Explore my new collection of abstract paintings”
    • “Browse my portfolio of stunning landscapes”
    • “Sign up for exclusive updates and discounts”

On your portfolio page: This is where you want to impress your visitors with your art and persuade them to buy it or contact you for a commission. You can use a CTA that highlights the benefits of owning or commissioning your art, offers them a free consultation or quote, or asks them to share their feedback or questions.

  • Examples:
    • “Buy this original painting and get free shipping”
    • “Contact me for a custom portrait of yourself or a loved one”
    • “Let me know what you think of my work”

On your blog page: This is where you want to educate and entertain your visitors with valuable content related to your art niche and establish yourself as an authority and a storyteller. You can use a call to action that invites them to read more posts, subscribe to your blog, or comment on your posts.

  • Examples:
    • “Read more tips on how to improve your drawing skills”
    • “Subscribe to my blog and get a free ebook on how to sell your art online”
    • “Leave a comment below and tell me what you learned from this post”

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