How To Make a Career Out Of Art

How To Make a Career Out Of Art

How to make a career out of art? If you are a visual artist, you might be wondering how you can make a career out of your passion. Art is not only a form of expression, but also a potential source of income and fulfillment. However, the art world can be competitive and challenging to navigate, so you need to be strategic and proactive about your career goals. In this blog post, we will list some of the different ways a visual artist can make a career out of art and provide some tips and resources to help you along the way.

  1. Sell your artwork online or offline. One of the most obvious ways to make money as a visual artist is to sell your artwork, either online or offline. You can create your own website or use platforms like Etsy, Shopify, or Artfinder to showcase and sell your work. You can also participate in art fairs, markets, or exhibitions, where you can meet potential buyers and network with other artists. Selling your artwork requires marketing skills, pricing strategies, and customer service, so make sure you do your research and learn from successful artists in your niche.
  2. Teach art classes or workshops. Another way to make a career out of art is to teach art classes or workshops, either online or offline. You can share your skills and knowledge with students of different ages and levels and inspire them to pursue their own artistic endeavors. Teaching art can be rewarding and fulfilling, as well as a steady source of income. You can teach at schools, colleges, community centers, or private studios, or create your own online courses or tutorials using platforms like Udemy, Skillshare, or YouTube.
  3. Work as a freelance artist or illustrator. If you have a versatile and adaptable style, you can work as a freelance artist or illustrator for various clients and projects. You can create artworks for books, magazines, newspapers, websites, games, animations, advertisements, or other media. Freelancing gives you the freedom and flexibility to work on your own terms and choose your own projects, but it also requires discipline, time management, and communication skills. You need to build a strong portfolio and network with potential clients and collaborators.
  4. Work as an art director or graphic designer. If you have a knack for visual communication and problem-solving, you can work as an art director or graphic designer for different industries and sectors. You can create logos, branding, packaging, posters, flyers, brochures, websites, apps, or other visual materials that convey a message or an identity. Working as an art director or graphic designer requires technical skills, creativity, and collaboration skills. You need to understand the needs and expectations of your clients and audiences.
  5. Work as a curator or art consultant. If you have a keen eye for quality and aesthetics, you can work as a curator or art consultant for museums, galleries, corporations, or private collectors. You can select, organize, display, and promote artworks that fit a certain theme, vision, or purpose. Working as a curator or art consultant requires research skills, analytical skills, and interpersonal skills. You need to keep up with the latest trends and developments in the art world and establish relationships with artists and stakeholders.

Books on How To Make a Career Out Of Art

Art/Work – Revised & Updated


Art/Work – Revised & Updated: Everything You Need to Know (and Do) As You Pursue Your Art Career

The definitive, must-have guide to pursuing an art career—the fully revised and updated edition of Art/Work, now in its fourteenth printing, shares the tools artists of all levels need to make it in this highly competitive field.

In this revised and updated edition, Bhandari and Melber show artists how to tackle a host of new challenges. How do you diversify income streams to sustain a healthy art practice? How can you find an alternative to the gallery system? How do you review a license agreement? What are digital marketing best practices? 

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